Idaho High School Graduation Requirements

Compare your coursework to Idaho’s high school graduation requirements to ensure you’re on track to complete the required classes on time. Contact your school counselor if you have any questions about whether your plans will satisfy the state requirements and help you prepare for life after high school.

Free PSAT & SAT Practice Tools

For the first time ever, the creators of the SAT have given Khan Academy exclusive access and advice to build a personalized practice program for anyone, anywhere. These tools are free and available now for every student to take ownership of their learning and their future.

How to Study

Remember—you’re responsible for managing your schoolwork. This means setting aside time to focus on homework and to study for tests. Developing good study habits in junior high and high school will help you get good grades and higher scores on standardized tests. That means you’ll have more options after high school.

Next Steps Admissions Tracker

Use this tracker to manage application deadlines for apprenticeship programs, college or training program admissions, or military service. You can include deadlines for financial aid,  scholarships, and letters of recommendation. Update the file when you submit each form and confirm with your counselor that transcripts, test scores and recommendations have all been submitted.