Idaho College Cost Comparison Chart

Idaho College & University Annual Sticker Prices, Estimated for 2017-2018

School In-State, Full-Time
Tuition & Fees
Books & Supplies Estimated
Room & Board
Base Cost
Boise State University $7,576 $1,200 $9,155 $17,931
College of Southern Idaho $3,900 $888 $6,100 $10,888
College of Western Idaho $3,336 (in-district) $888 N/A $4,224
College of Eastern Idaho $2,464 $3,379 $2,700 $8,543
Idaho State University $7,160 $900 $6,016 $14,076
Lewis-Clark State College $6,334 $1,650 $8,250 $14,657
North Idaho College $3,360 $888 $7,500 $12,498
University of Idaho $7,488 $1,214 $9,148 $17,850


  1. Based on information from college and university websites and IACRAO Higher Education Book 2017-2018.
  2. Some figures are the average of cost ranges provided by schools.
  3. Books & supplies at two-year public institutions are based on the estimate provided by the College of Western Idaho. All books and supplies estimates are 2016-2017 costs.
  4. All fees estimated are for a full academic year (no special sessions) and based on 12 credit hours per semester for those that calculate costs per credit hour.
  5. Transportation and personal costs are not accounted for in these totals.