How Do I Decide What to Do After High School?

Determining your future is a lifelong journey that requires many decisions along the way. Multiple opportunities await you, so prepare yourself for any option. The decisions are yours!

Our college and career readiness tools will help you to find the answer to these important questions: Who am I? Where am I going? How do I get there? Additionally, these resources provide comprehensive career information, tools and services to help you make productive education and career decisions.


Learn About Yourself.

You have unique interests, skills and values and knowing who you are and what is important to you is the first step. Assessments help you focus on what you love to do as a starting point to explore occupations.
Try it out: Interest Profiler, Career Cluster Interest Survey, FutureFindr

Plan for School.

Search over 4,300 Idaho and national schools to find the perfect match for you. Explore everything that 4-year colleges, technical programs, and vocational schools have to offer. Find all the details on programs, cost, sports and more.
Try it out: Explore Education (coming soon)

Pay for School.

Learn about all of your options including loans, grants and scholarships. Search over $8 billion in Idaho and national scholarships that match your unique characteristics.
Try it out: Scholarship Opportunities

Explore Careers.

Search through hundreds of occupations. Learn what you need to know to get your dream job, where the jobs are and how much money you’ll make.
Try it out: Job Scape

Write a Plan for 8th Grade and Beyond.

Create a personal learning plan that will guide you through high school and beyond. Track your high school courses, interests, skills, work-based experience and other related information. Set goals, evaluate your action plans, and plan your work-based learning projects all from the personal learning plan.
Try it out: Personal Learning Plan (Coming Soon)

Find a Job.

Watch videos and find resources to help you get a job.
Try it out: Job SearchResume Creator



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