Advanced Opportunities Program – FAQ

The Advanced Opportunities Program provides every student attending an Idaho public school an allocation of $4,125 to use towards Advanced Opportunities in grades 7-12.

The funds can be used for:

  • Overload Courses
    An overload course is a high school level course that is taken in excess of a full credit load and outside of the regular school day, including summer courses. These courses are offered online, during the summertime, and after school. In the event that a student incurs a cost for such courses, the program can pay up to $225 for the cost of the course. Overload courses must be above and beyond the full course load offered by the student’s local school.
  • Dual Credits
    Dual credits are courses taken by high school students that are transcribed on their high school and college transcripts. The Advanced Opportunities program can pay for up to $75 per credit. Dual Credit courses can be taken at school, online, by virtual conferencing or, in some cases, students can go directly to the college/university campus.
  • Exams
    Students can utilize Advanced Opportunities funds to pay for a variety of college-credit bearing or professional technical exams. These include Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), or Career Technical Education (CTE) exams. A full list of qualifying exams is available in the Resource Files.
  • Workforce Training
    Students can utilize Advanced Opportunity funds to pay for regionally approved workforce training courses at colleges in their area. An approved list of courses is available in the Resources Files.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for Advanced Opportunities?

To utilize the Advanced Opportunities funds, requests must be made through the student’s local school district. The student will be asked to fill out a participation form that will be kept at their school. Depending on local processes, the student may need to request funds for specific courses/exams through their Advanced Opportunities account, or the school coordinator will apply on their behalf. Check with your school’s Advanced Opportunities coordinator to learn more about local deadlines and procedures.

    • To create an Advanced Opportunities account and apply for funding, please follow the instructions.

When applying for Advanced Opportunities funds, please note that this does not take the place of college registration for dual credit. Each college/university has an admissions and course registration process for their institutions.

How can students maximize earning postsecondary credits in high school?

It is critical that a student carefully plans postsecondary goals and discuss these with their parents and school counselor, reflected by the individual 4-year learning plan. Two simple pieces of advice will prepare students for success: 1) Choose a path of study and stick to it (general university requirements are a good place to start), and  2) Commit to doing the best work in dual credit courses because completion and grades impact both high school and college transcripts.

What happens if my student isn’t successful?

If a student fails to earn credit for any course or examination for which the department has paid a reimbursement, the student must pay for and successfully earn credit for one such course or examination.

How does earning college credit in high school affect a student who will later attend a college or university?

A student who participates in dual enrollment and/or takes an AP exam while in high school can earn college credit. College credit earned from a dual enrollment course or a transcribed AP exam score is likely to be posted to a student’s permanent academic record. A student should consider the commitment needed for success in these courses. A student who earns college credit in high school is often considered a first-time college student on college admission applications and will likely be eligible for first-year scholarships reserved for incoming freshmen. It is recommended that students contact the college or university for specific details.