Junior Achievement of Idaho

There’s a lot of talk about helping students understand the importance of entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and work readiness. But what kind of impact can these skills have on your life? Think about it. What are you going to be when you grow up? How much education will you need to pull it off? Where are you […]

Career Technical Education Advanced Opportunities

What are CTE Advanced Opportunities? CTE Advanced Opportunities allow you to receive college credit for the skills you gain in high school career & technical education classes. These credits are affordable, and can save you thousands of dollars in tuition. Types of CTE Advanced Opportunities: DUAL CREDIT Catalogued College Course $75 per credit • Fees […]

Course Transfer Idaho

The Course Transfer website was developed by the Idaho State Board of Education, community colleges, and state universities and is designed to help students navigate college course transfer between Idaho’s public institutions. The website supports course equivalency searches, GEM course information, and AP test equivalency.