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Next Steps Idaho Outreach Team at info@nextsteps.idaho.gov
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Take some aptitude and interest quizzes.

Compare 2-year, 4-year, workforce training, apprenticeships, and direct-to-career options.

There are no wrong choices when selecting a career path or deciding which subject to learn about next. It also isn’t a one-chance, 10-seconds on the buzzer, life-or-death, soul-defining moment. A lot of people change their minds, a lot.

Every student should weigh their opportunities, consider what they want their life to look like in 5, 10, or 20 years, and then adjust their trajectory accordingly.

“Schools usually say that college is the clear path to success. But is it really? With the cost of college rising every year, trade schools, apprenticeships and other work training programs could be a better option for some people.”
   ~ Above the Noise

Next steps:  The Right School  |  Journey to Career  |  Talk it Out